待宰的羔羊 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Lamb to the Slaughter

待宰的羔羊 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Lamb to the Slaughter

编剧: Roald Dah
上映日期: 1958-04-13
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待宰的羔羊 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Lamb to the Slaughter-电影剧情介绍

  《待宰的羔羊 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Lamb to the Slaughter》于1958-04-13上映。是由Alfred Hitchcock执导, 由Roald Dah担任主编, 演员Barbara Bel Geddes, Harold J. Stone, Allan Lane主演的《待宰的羔羊 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Lamb to the Slaughter》是一部剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪类型电影。

  Mary Maloney is a devoted wife and an exceptional housekeeper. One day, her husband, the police chief, announces that he wants a divorce because he has met another woman. Mary is quite angry and kills him with a blow from a frozen leg of lamb. She calls the police and provides and alibi for herself with the story that she'd been out to the store when the murder took place. The ...

待宰的羔羊 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Lamb to the Slaughter-电影演员表

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