
  • This Place


    导演:V. T. Nayani   编剧:Golshan Abdmoulaie, Devery Jacobs, V. T. Nayani

    主演:Devery Jacobs, Priya Guns, Janïsa Weekes

      Canadian director V.T. Nayani’s feature debut, starring Devery Jacobs and Priya Guns, is a queer love story about two young women — one Iranian and Kanienʼkehá꞉ka, the other Tamil — living in Toronto and dealing with difficult family legacies.

  • 地方 Place

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:Itamar Lider Shiri   编剧:Itamar Lider Shiri

    主演:Roy Saar, Sarit Vinoelad, Ido Rozenberg

      Yair Takes care of his sick mother. She develops dependence upon him while his boyfriend asks him to move in.

  • Place de l'Opéra

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Louis Lumière   编剧:


  • A Place Beyond Shame


    导演:弗雷德·J·林肯   编剧:Dr. Z

    主演:塞卡, Lori Blue, Don Fernando, 保罗·托马斯, Diana Holt

      Seka discovers much to her horror that she has lost her sex drive to the point where she can no longer stand having a man even touching her. Seka seeks help from psychiatrist Michael, who uses hypnosis as a means for Seka to reconnect with her sexuality and resume satisfying her carnal desires.

  • Everybody in the Place


    导演:Jeremy Deller   编剧:


      Acid house is often portrayed as a movement that came out of the blue, inspired by little more than a handful of London-based DJs discovering ecstasy on a 1987 holiday to Ibiza. In truth, the explosion of acid house and rave in the UK was a reaction to a much wider and deeper set of fault lines in British culture, stretching from the heart of the city to the furthest reaches of...

  • Girl From Another Place

    类型:惊悚片电影, 短片电影

    导演:杨涵博   编剧:杨涵博 Terence W. Yang

    主演:Evan Feng, Emily Ventimiglia

    through a cosmic experience of a distorted time and space, and there he will meet Girl From Another Place

  • In High Place

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:James McEachen   编剧:James McEachen

    主演:麦克·辛, 凯莉·麦克唐纳, 安德鲁·斯科特

      Michael Sheen将出演登山运动员George Mallory的真实故事改编的传记电影《In High Place》。

  • No Place Like Home

    类型:短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:David Velduque   编剧:Marco Laborda, David Velduque

    主演:麦瑞斯·普尼亚斯克斯, Christian Escuredo


  • Right Place Wrong Tim


    导演:埃罗斯·维拉霍斯   编剧:

    主演:阿萨·巴特菲尔德, 亚当·布克斯顿, 艾拉·珀内尔, 乔纳森·罗斯

      A 90's British sitcom is taken over by clones of the lead actor and descends into chaos.

  • No Place Like Home

    类型:悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:S.J. Creazzo   编剧:

