唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth

唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth

上映日期: 1953-05-30
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唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth-电影剧情介绍

  《唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth》于1953-05-30上映。是由杰克·汉纳执导, 由拉尔夫·赖特担任主编, 演员克拉伦斯·纳什主演的《唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth》是一部喜剧, 动画, 短片, 家庭类型电影。

  The boys are more interested in their comic book than the sights on their Florida vacation. When the car breaks down next to the spring "mistaken for the fountain of youth", Donald decides to have some fun with his nephews and hides the part of the sign saying "mistaken for". As baby Donald, he starts shredding their comic book and generally acting like a spoiled brat. But when...

唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth-电影演员表

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  • 小鱼看电影

    小鱼看电影 2019-05-31 02:17:43


  • mills

    mills 2017-03-11 05:10:01


唐老鸭的青春喷泉 Don's Fountain of Youth 电影-相关推荐
