它们开跑了 They're Off

它们开跑了 They're Off

上映日期: 1948-01-23(美国)
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它们开跑了 They're Off-电影剧情介绍

  《它们开跑了 They're Off》于1948-01-23(美国)上映。是由杰克·汉纳执导, 由Riley Thomson, Campbell Grant担任主编, 演员Harlow Wilcox, 品托·考维格主演的《它们开跑了 They're Off》是一部喜剧, 动画, 短片, 家庭类型电影。

  At the race track, various spectators (all Goofy lookalikes) are playing the ponies. A posh rich Goofy bets on the equally posh Snapshot III while another more common looking Goofy bets on the bedraggled Old Moe. When the race begins, Snapshot and the rider are so overconfident they wait a few minutes after the race has begun to start running. When they finally do get going, Sn...

它们开跑了 They're Off-电影演员表

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  • velvet

    velvet 2020-05-14 08:06:51


  • 爱的镇魂歌

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