食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren

食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren

导演: Daniel Child
主演: Giles Coren
类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2015-03-18(英国)
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食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren-电影剧情介绍

  《食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren》于2015-03-18(英国)上映。是由Daniel Child执导, 演员Giles Coren主演的《食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  In Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren, the food critic takes up three extreme diet regimes in a bid to push the very limits of life expectancy. Giles's search to find a diet which might extend his life comes after his great-grandfather lived to the grand old age of 93. His grandfather passed away aged 76 and his father Alan died aged 69. The Coren men are bucking the global t...

食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren-电影演员表

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食得长寿 Eat to Live Forever with Giles Coren-评论

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  • 不要生气会老

    不要生气会老 2023-11-18 02:05:31


  • 晚风醉杏子

    晚风醉杏子 2023-10-20 07:57:29


  • 蘇芳

    蘇芳 2023-10-16 19:38:48


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