
  • 性之诱饵 Diet of Sex

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Borja Brun   编剧:Mighello Blanco, Borja Brun

    主演:Alberto Casqueiro, Antón Lamapereira, Che Mariño, Raquel Martínez, Ángeles Menduiña, Marc Rodriguez

      A ‘chance’ meeting in the street, give you the opportunity to Agata and Marc to help each other to overcome the inertia of their lives. Tired of going from bed to bed and boy to boy, Agata is confronted with the challenge of staying, not flee to problems. But Agata does not know what’s wrong, feels a barrier to enjoying sex. The parents of Agata added to the situation, an extra...

  • 饮食变迁 Diet: A Horizon Guide


    导演:   编剧:



  • Tomorrow We Diet!

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:杰克·金尼   编剧:Dick Kinney, Milt Schaffer


      Indeed, man craves to eat and George Geef (Goofy) is no exception. He eats like it's going out of style. Finally, his reflection in the mirror tells him he's getting too fat. Goofy starts showing all the signs of being overweight. When he gets into a taxi, the back tires deflate. When he gets into an elevator, the elevator remains grounded. Goofy's reflection "helps" him lose w...

  • 食得最健康 The World’s Best Diet


    导演:Lana Salah   编剧:

    主演:吉米·杜尔特, Kate Quilton

      一連兩集,主持人Jimmy Doherty和Kate Quilton親自走訪世界各地,發掘五十個不同地方的餐單,比較各國餐單的不同之處,同時看看哪種餐單最健康、最吸引。原來在過去五十年裡,世界各地的飲食文化都有不少變化,亦大大影響人類的健康。選取了五十份不同的餐單之餘,又依據營養師的意見,將餐單以健康為指標排列成一至五十位。

  • 真爱不死 第一季 Santa Clarita Diet Season 1

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:鲁本·弗雷斯彻, 肯·卡皮斯, 塔拉·戴维斯, 琳·谢尔顿   编剧:维克多·弗斯克

    主演:德鲁·巴里摩尔, 蒂莫西·奥利芬特, 丽芙·休森, 斯凯勒·吉桑多, 理查德·琼斯, 玛丽·伊丽莎白·埃利斯, 利卡多·查维拉, 托马斯·列农, 托马斯·克劳福德, 娜塔丽·莫瑞丝

      故事描述Joel(Timothy Olyphant)和Sheila(Drew Barrymore)这对夫妻都是房地产经纪人,但他们在洛杉矶圣克拉里塔郊区的生活实在不能令人满意……直到有一天,Sheila突然经历了一场巨变,导致他们的生活滑向死亡和毁灭的深渊。不用担心,这不是坏事,反而对他们来说是个改善现状的好办法。 (cr 天涯小筑)

  • 真爱不死 第三季 Santa Clarita Diet Season 3

    类型:喜剧片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:马克·巴克兰德, 肯·卡皮斯, 斯蒂夫·平克   编剧:维克多·弗斯克

    主演:多米尼克·伯吉斯, 斯蒂芬·福尔, 琳达·拉文, 玛吉·劳森, 高兰·维斯耶克, 德鲁·巴里摩尔, 蒂莫西·奥利芬特, 丽芙·休森, 斯凯勒·吉桑多, 玛丽·伊丽莎白·埃利斯, 娜塔丽·莫瑞丝, 乔纳森·斯莱文, 艾伦·图代克, 托马斯·列农, 雷蒙娜·杨, 伊桑·苏普利


  • 探寻完美的人类饮食 In Search of the Perfect Human Diet


    导演:C.J. Hunt   编剧:C.J. Hunt

    主演:C.J. Hunt

      "The Perfect Human Diet" is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet-related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of human dietary evolution; revealing for the f...

  • 定制版瘦身食谱 What's The Right Diet For You? A Horizon Special


    导演:Tom Watt-Smith   编剧:

    主演:Chris van Tulleken, Tanya Byron

      Dr Chris van Tulleken and Prof Tanya Byron team up with scientists from Oxford and Cambridge universities to see if they can help 75 overweight members of the public win their battle with weight loss.
      Each dieter undergoes a series of scientific tests to find out the main reason for why they put on weight. The constant cravers have genes that mean they feel hungry all the time,...

  • 飲食瘦身的秘密 第一季 Diet Secrets & How To Lose Weight Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Tina Malone

      A guide to everything needed to understand what puts on the pounds, and the surest way to successfully become the size everyone always wanted to be. A dive deep into fats, carbs, crash diets and so-called superfoods.

  • 隔墙有眼 L'occhio dietro la parete

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Giuliano Petrelli   编剧:Giuliano Petrelli

    主演:John Phillip Law, Fernando Rey, Olga Bisera


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