仪式 Rituals-搜索结果

  • 仪式 Rituals

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:彼得·卡特   编剧:Ian Sutherland

    主演:哈尔·霍尔布鲁克, 劳伦斯·戴恩, 罗宾·甘梅尔

      Five doctors on a wilderness outing are stalked by disfigured, crazed killers.

  • 非凡 第一季 Extraordinary Rituals Season 1


    导演:   编剧:



  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:大岛渚   编剧:佐佐木守, 田村孟, 大岛渚

    主演:河原崎建三, 贺来敦子, 中村敦夫, 乙羽信子, 小松方正, 户浦六宏, 渡边文雄, 原知佐子, 三户部须惠


  • Ceremonija

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:波里维·多尼科维奇·波尔多   编剧:波里维·多尼科维奇·波尔多


      Another classic by Bordo Dovnikovic. Six people are grouped in front of a wall as if for a photograph. The entire ceremony is supervised by a seventh person, who, like a photographer, looks at the group from different angles and rearranges the group by hand-signals.
      The picture is perfect. The camera shifts position and discloses a squad of soldiers with rifles at the ready; ri...

  • The Rite

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:米凯尔·哈弗斯特罗姆   编剧:迈克尔·彼得罗尼

    主演:Giampiero Ingrassia, 塞奇莉亚·达齐, 阿提拉·鲍尔多齐, 安东尼·霍普金斯, 科林·奥多霍诺, 艾莉丝·布拉加, 塞伦·希德, 托比·琼斯, 鲁格·豪尔, 玛塔·加丝蒂妮, 克里斯·马奎特, 托里·德维托, 玛丽亚·卡兰, 罗莎·别亚内达

      迈克·科瓦克(科林·奥多霍诺 Colin O'Donoghue 饰)是一个出身葬家庭的神学院学生,但是他的心中始终找不到任何信仰的依附。偶然机缘,迈克被派往梵蒂冈参加一个驱魔师的培训课程。

  • 之必要


    导演:陈翠梅   编剧:


  • 成人 Likemeback


    导演:Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli   编剧:Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli

    主演:安杰拉·丰塔纳, Denise Tantucci, Blu Yoshimi Di Martino, Goran Marković

      Lavinia, Carla and Danila have just finished high school and are leaving together for a vacation on a sailboat. Alone with their mobile phones and the skipper, they sail along the Croatian coastline, full of dreams, freedom and carefreeness. They are unaware that by sharing it all on social media, they will turn the trip into a brutal rite of passage to adulthood after which no...

  • 人骨 Los Huesos

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:乔奎因·科西纳, 克里斯托弗·列昂   编剧:乔奎因·科西纳, 克里斯托弗·列昂


      Los huesos is a fictitious account of the world’s first stop-motion animated film. Dated 1901 and excavated in 2021 as Chile drafts a new Constitution, the footage documents a ritual performed by a girl who appears to use human corpses. Emerging in the ritual are Diego Portales and Jaime Guzmán, central figures in the construction of authoritarian and oligarchic Chile.

  • 暴行 暴行儀


    导演:根岸吉太郎   编剧:荒井晴彦

    主演:紗貴めぐみ, 水島美奈子, 幸田ちあき

  • 表面 Surface Rites


    导演:Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour   编剧:Ryan Ferko


      A young Slovakian immigrant opens a uranium mine near Elliot Lake in northern Ontario, Canada, and later builds a massive replica of the modest church from his childhood village. Stranded amongst suburban streets named after prize-winning Holstein cows, now sits this monumental cathedral, unfinished and private. Teenage zombies emerge from lakes and rivers around Serpent River ...

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