成人仪式 Likemeback

成人仪式 Likemeback

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 2018-08-05(洛迦诺电影节)
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成人仪式 Likemeback-电影剧情介绍

  《成人仪式 Likemeback》于2018-08-05(洛迦诺电影节)上映。是由Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli执导, 由Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli担任主编, 演员安杰拉·丰塔纳, Denise Tantucci, Blu Yoshimi Di Martino等主演的《成人仪式 Likemeback》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Lavinia, Carla and Danila have just finished high school and are leaving together for a vacation on a sailboat. Alone with their mobile phones and the skipper, they sail along the Croatian coastline, full of dreams, freedom and carefreeness. They are unaware that by sharing it all on social media, they will turn the trip into a brutal rite of passage to adulthood after which no...

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