
  • The Deal


    导演:Chiara Sambuchi   编剧:


      Investigative crime-documentary about how the arms of the Nigerian mafia reach far into Europe and use religious pressure to keep trafficked women in prostitution.

  • X-Deal


    导演:Lawrence Fajardo   编剧:Jimmy Flores

    主演:Paloma, Jamilla Obispo, Jon Hall, Archi Adamos, Rebecca Padilla, Rolando Inocencio, Cisko Ibanez

      Dana, a professional blogger lives in an apartment unit next to the new tenants, live-in partners Billy and Sara.
      Quite attractive, Dana arouses a red-hot desired in Billy.
      But she has the hots for the equally voluptous Sara.
      With raging libidos, they make an outrageous deal.
      If Dana will give Billy a night of passionate sex, the latter will convince Sara to sleep with her.

  • X-Deal 2

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Lawrence Fajardo   编剧:

    主演:Josef Elizalde, Angela Morena, Rob Quinto

    What starts as a mutually-beneficial deal turns rough and tumble when Peter demands more than what he

  • Followers Of The deal Light


    导演:Yan Kaos   编剧:

    主演:Nemesis Bathory, Nekro Val Bundy

  • 成交不成交 第一季 deal or no deal Season 1


    导演:John de Mol, R. Brian DiPirro   编剧:

    主演:Howie Mandel, " Models ", Peter Abbay (banker)

      NBC的大众乐透(lottery, lotto)节目,一群模特每人掌握一个钱箱,从1美分到Jackpot累计超过百万美金。观众一个一个打开,幕后banker不停提出offer要阻止观众拿走大奖!
      非常有型声音磁性的主持人Howie Mandel主持这个大奖节目。激动人心。

  • 边缘战士 Raw Deal

    类型:动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约翰·伊文   编剧:加里·德沃雷, 诺曼·韦克斯勒, 赛尔乔·多纳蒂, 卢恰诺·温琴佐尼

    主演:阿诺·施瓦辛格, 凯思琳·哈罗德, 萨姆·沃纳梅克, 布兰奇·贝克, 达伦·麦克加文, 保罗·希纳尔, 史蒂芬·希尔, 埃德·劳特尔, 乔·雷加尔布托, 罗伯特·戴维

      荷里活超级巨星阿诺·施瓦辛格力发千钧之作。为求达到英雄梦,前FBI特务阿诺·施瓦辛格接受一项接近死亡边缘的任务,态凭其与众不同对付罪犯的独特手後,智破罪恶集团及完成艰巨任务! 其中剧内的爆破枪战场面,阿诺只手空拳的搏击动作,更成为日後所有A级荷里活片模仿片段。

  • 君子协定 The Deal


    导演:斯蒂芬·弗雷斯   编剧:皮特·摩根

    主演:麦克·辛, David Morissey

      Follows the rise to power of Tony Blair, and his friendship and rivalry with his contemporary, Gordon Brown.

  • 我们的交易 Our Deal

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:德鲁·巴里摩尔   编剧:Kashy Khaledi

    主演:科洛·莫瑞兹, 泰勒·珀西, 阿莉雅·肖卡特, 米兰达·卡斯格拉夫, 谢琳·伍德蕾, 唐纳德·格洛弗, Street Kingdom

      Two gangs. One ruled the streets by day. The other by night. It was only a matter of time before their paths crossed.

  • 伊核协议 Iran's Nuclear Deal


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Amir Paivar

      Iran and six world powers reached a landmark nuclear agreement in 2015, and as a result the country has witnessed far-reaching changes.

  • 奥巴马新政 Obama's Deal


    导演:Michael Kirk   编剧:Michael Kirk

    主演:Jim Gilmore, Will Lyman, Arun Rath

      Health care reform was the first big policy deal taken on by the Obama administration.

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