奥巴马新政 Obama's Deal

奥巴马新政 Obama's Deal

导演: Michael Kirk
编剧: Michael Kirk
类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2010
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奥巴马新政 Obama's Deal-电影剧情介绍

  《奥巴马新政 Obama's Deal》于2010上映。是由Michael Kirk执导, 由Michael Kirk担任主编, 演员Jim Gilmore, Will Lyman, Arun Rath主演的《奥巴马新政 Obama's Deal》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Health care reform was the first big policy deal taken on by the Obama administration. Many say the young president has bet the mid-term elections, possibly his presidency, on the outcome. In a new investigation FRONTLINE goes behind closed doors at the White House, in Congress and the boardrooms of the giant health-care lobby to examine the political battles and costly comprom...

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