时空艳遇2 The Exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters

时空艳遇2 The Exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters

上映日期: 2000-10-24(美国)
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时空艳遇2 The Exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters-电影剧情介绍

  《时空艳遇2 The Exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters》于2000-10-24(美国)上映。是由Cybil Richards执导, 由Louise Monclair担任主编, 演员Louise Monclair, Shyra Deland主演的《时空艳遇2 The Exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters》是一部恐怖, 奇幻类型电影。

  In an attempt to protect their time-traveling program, chuck and Melissa must travel the timeline to plant special beacons which will sabotage any effort to steal technology. Along the way our travelers meet and "mingle" with some of history's most famous characters. A hilarious encounter with the 1960's era hippy sisters TRIPPY and M00NBEAM will leave you feeling groovy.

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