私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line

私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1971-02-03
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私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line-电影剧情介绍

  《私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line》于1971-02-03上映。是由John Frankenheimer执导, 由阿尔文·萨金特, 麦迪逊·琼斯担任主编, 演员Gregory Peck, Tuesday Weld主演的《私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Tawes is the sheriff in a godforsaken little hole somewhere in Tennessee. A man of strong moral fibre he is always quick to judge others and follows the law zealously. Then he meets Alma, a young beautiful girl who turns his world upside down. Unable to ignore his feelings he starts having an affair with her. But in small town nothing is secret for long

私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line-电影演员表

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私枭巧佈美人计 I walk the line-评论

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  • 小莉

    小莉 2022-06-17 02:43:59


  • 故园遥望

    故园遥望 2021-05-03 09:40:43

    派克老帅,您那正派的面孔演这么个几乎可称不伦的故事,真心没法让我信服。片中几首歌曲都太好听了,乡谣我的菜,原来是大名鼎鼎的Johnny Cash,竟然是因为偶然看电影而邂逅。

  • 风雨夜归人

    风雨夜归人 2020-06-23 06:35:03


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