佩雷·阿齐尔 Pere Atzil

佩雷·阿齐尔 Pere Atzil

导演: Marco Carmel
类型: 剧情片电影
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佩雷·阿齐尔 Pere Atzil-电影剧情介绍

  《佩雷·阿齐尔 Pere Atzil》是由Marco Carmel执导, 由Dudu Busi, Marco Carmel担任主编, 演员阿隆·阿布布尔, Moris Cohen, Liat Ekta等主演的《佩雷·阿齐尔 Pere Atzil》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Almost everything in Eli's life, a 15 years old boy with an eating disorder, is on the brink of catastrophe. He lives in a seedy neighborhood with his mother and her husband, two ex-junkies obsessed with living a "normative" life. His alcoholic father is an unemployed artist and a street philosopher, an eccentric character in a rough environment.
  In this impulsive and violent w...

佩雷·阿齐尔 Pere Atzil-评论

全部(4) >
  • 夜雨微澜

    夜雨微澜 2023-02-27 22:20:54


  • 涛先生

    涛先生 2022-04-14 21:06:51


  • 淡淡的烟味

    淡淡的烟味 2021-12-27 08:12:37


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