魔由心生2 Along Came the Devil 2

魔由心生2 Along Came the Devil 2

导演: Jason DeVan
编剧: Jason DeVan
上映日期: 2019-10-11(美国)
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魔由心生2 Along Came the Devil 2-电影剧情介绍

  《魔由心生2 Along Came the Devil 2》于2019-10-11(美国)上映。是由Jason DeVan执导, 由Jason DeVan担任主编, 演员Tristan DeVan, Ahmed Lucan, 弗兰克·布伦南等主演的《魔由心生2 Along Came the Devil 2》是一部惊悚, 恐怖类型电影。

  After receiving an unsettling voicemail, Jordan (Wiggins) returns home, looking for answers, only to find her estranged father and even more questions. A demonic force has attached itself to the town and no one is safe. The only one who seems to know anything is the small town's Reverend.

魔由心生2 Along Came the Devil 2-评论

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    删你个惪儿 2023-03-13 09:25:12


  • 金色の空賊

    金色の空賊 2023-03-01 13:56:37


  • Broderick Wong

    Broderick Wong 2022-09-23 09:58:00


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