拉蒙娜 Ramona

拉蒙娜 Ramona

上映日期: 1910-05-23(美国)
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拉蒙娜 Ramona-电影剧情介绍

  《拉蒙娜 Ramona》于1910-05-23(美国)上映。是由大卫·格里菲斯执导, 由Helen Hunt Jackson, 大卫·格里菲斯担任主编, 演员Frank Opperman, 杰克·皮克福德, 马克·森内特等主演的《拉蒙娜 Ramona》是一部剧情, 爱情, 短片类型电影。

  Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners.

拉蒙娜 Ramona-评论

全部(7) >
  • 按时对话法

    按时对话法 2023-03-27 19:51:03


  • 少年高

    少年高 2022-09-04 22:18:30


  • stknight

    stknight 2022-03-16 01:43:25

    This film was an adaptation of Helen Hunt Jackson's 'Ramona'. Griffith gravitated towards this project because his previous film, 'The Two Brothers', came to a halt because of three days of rain. He felt like a caged lion being trapped inside his hotel room, and decided to get to

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