Colin Quinn: The New York Story

Colin Quinn: The New York Story

上映日期: 2016-11-18
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Colin Quinn: The New York Story-电影剧情介绍

  《Colin Quinn: The New York Story》于2016-11-18上映。是由Jerry Seinfeld执导, 由柯林·奎恩担任主编, 演员柯林·奎恩主演的《Colin Quinn: The New York Story》电影。

  Quinn dissects the infamous New York character, variously describing them as rude, opinionated, pushy, loud, fast-talking, sarcastic, wise-assed, abrupt, rude-polite, and above all, politically incorrect. That last one’s not a surprise coming from Quinn, long a purveyor of the “everyone’s too sensitive” school of “tell it like it is” comedy. Fortunately, his curmudgeonliness is...

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