靖:成为说唱明星 Jin: Making of a Rap Star

靖:成为说唱明星 Jin: Making of a Rap Star

类型: 传记片电影
上映日期: 2003-01-01(美国)
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靖:成为说唱明星 Jin: Making of a Rap Star-电影剧情介绍

  《靖:成为说唱明星 Jin: Making of a Rap Star》于2003-01-01(美国)上映。演员欧阳靖, Dee, Po Dean主演的《靖:成为说唱明星 Jin: Making of a Rap Star》是一部传记类型电影。

  Some individuals are blessed with the opportunity while others strive relentlessly to reach that pinnacle. Follow Jin as he launches from total obscurity to international stardom where he battles more than onstage encounters with opposing mc's.

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