世界上最老的伴娘 The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid

世界上最老的伴娘 The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid

上映日期: 1990-09-20(美国)
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世界上最老的伴娘 The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid-电影剧情介绍

  《世界上最老的伴娘 The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid》于1990-09-20(美国)上映。是由Joseph L. Scanlan执导, 由Janet Kovalcik担任主编, 演员唐娜·米尔斯, 阿特·欣德尔, 布莱恩·维莫尔主演的《世界上最老的伴娘 The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid》是一部剧情, 喜剧, 爱情类型电影。

  唐娜-米尔斯(Donna Mills)在这部浪漫爱情剧中饰演严格的律师布伦达布莱恩-维默(Brian Wimmer)饰演亚历克斯(Alex),他是唐娜的新秘书,唐娜的前任秘书因结婚而辞职。唐娜目前和她的牙医布莱恩在一起,在亚历克斯布伦达一起去律师事务所出差之前,两人关系一直很好。亚历克斯布伦达在一起出差期间建立了特殊的关系。然而,当布伦达回来时,她发现布莱恩已经另结新欢布伦达亚历克斯因此变得更加亲密无间,两人还上床了。她的同事和父母,更不用说布莱恩的姐姐和家人,听到布莱恩这个 27 岁的年轻人竟然和比他大很多的人约会,都感到非常震惊。不幸的是,当布伦达亚历克斯一起参加聚会时,亚历克斯一直坚持要让别人知道他是布伦达的秘书,布伦达有点生气。两人因此吵架并分手。她的朋友于是给她介绍了另一个...

  Donna Mills stars as Brenda, the strict lawyer in this romantic drama. Brian Wimmer stars as Alex, Donna's new secretary as a result of her previous secretaries resigning because they were getting married. Donna is currently involved with her dentist, Brian, who until Alex and Brenda go on a lawyer business trip together, are close. Alex and Brenda develop a special relationship during the time they go on a business trip together. However, when Brenda gets back, she finds out that Brian has met someone else. Brenda and Alex get closer and more intimate as a result and they sleep with each other. Her co-workers and parents, not to mention Brian's sister & family are shocked to hear Brian, a young 27 year old guy going out with someone much older than him. Unfortunately, when Brenda and Alex are at a party together, Brenda gets a little angry when Alex keeps on insisting to let people know he's Brenda's secretary. They fight and break up as a result. Her friends hook her up with another...

世界上最老的伴娘 The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid-电影演员表

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  • 短脚猫

    短脚猫 2024-05-04 08:02:25

    英语字幕 rl源

  • 翛扬│envy me?

    翛扬│envy me? 2024-04-01 15:24:08

    回忆小时候 我只记得最后男人牵着马 和女人消失再夕阳里

  • giligilieye

    giligilieye 2023-10-30 21:42:58


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