A Bear Named Jesus

A Bear Named Jesus

类型: 短片电影
上映日期: 2023-04-28(加拿大Hot Docs国际纪录片节)
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A Bear Named Jesus-电影剧情介绍

  《A Bear Named Jesus》于2023-04-28(加拿大Hot Docs国际纪录片节)上映。是由Terril Calder执导的《A Bear Named Jesus》是一部短片类型电影。

  Archer Pechawis attends a funeral for his aunty on the rez, where his mom is abducted by rabid bears and converted to fundamentalist Christianity. That night, he hears a tap on the window—it's a bear named Jesus, who has come to apologize for the actions of his peers. A Bear Named Jesus is an allegory of religious interference that takes an aching yet humorous look at estrangem...

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