但丁TV版——地狱 A TV Dante

但丁TV版——地狱 A TV Dante

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1990-07-29(英国)
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但丁TV版——地狱 A TV Dante-电影剧情介绍

  《但丁TV版——地狱 A TV Dante》于1990-07-29(英国)上映。是由彼得·格林纳威, Tom Phillips, 劳尔·鲁伊斯执导, 由但丁, Tom Phillips担任主编, 演员大卫·爱登堡, Jim Bolton, Nicholas Campion等主演的《但丁TV版——地狱 A TV Dante》是一部剧情类型电影。

  A TV Dante, produced by Britain’s Channel Four during the 1980s and aired in Britain in 1990, presents the first eight cantos of the Inferno.
  Co-directed by Peter Greenaway and Tom Phillips. Phillips, a composer, artist and critic, is perhaps best known for his interest in the art of the page. His 1983 translation of the Inferno is used for the production. (The rest of the Infe...

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