直到死亡 Ölene Kadar

直到死亡 Ölene Kadar

导演: Umur Turagay
编剧: Elif Usman
上映日期: 2017-01-12
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直到死亡 Ölene Kadar-电影剧情介绍

  《直到死亡 Ölene Kadar》于2017-01-12上映。是由Umur Turagay执导, 由Elif Usman担任主编, 演员恩金.阿克尤莱卡, 法赫里耶·埃夫坚主演的《直到死亡 Ölene Kadar》是一部剧情, 悬疑类型电影。

  Daghan is a doctor who tries to get his proficiency however, finds himself in jail. He loses his hope, his future, and the most beautiful days of his lives due the crime that he has never committed. He is sentenced to life imprisonment.

直到死亡 Ölene Kadar-电影演员表

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直到死亡 Ölene Kadar-评论

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  • 人间一丧人

    人间一丧人 2022-11-01 03:47:02


  • 艾力比亚

    艾力比亚 2021-03-24 18:13:15


  • IrinaCooper

    IrinaCooper 2020-12-15 18:45:13

    女主美爆了 和男主cp感绝了

直到死亡 Ölene Kadar 电影-相关推荐
