与奇人相遇 Meetings with Remarkable Men

与奇人相遇 Meetings with Remarkable Men

上映日期: 1979-08-05
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与奇人相遇 Meetings with Remarkable Men-电影剧情介绍

  《与奇人相遇 Meetings with Remarkable Men》于1979-08-05上映。是由彼得·布鲁克执导, 由葛吉夫, 彼得·布鲁克, Jeanne Salzmann担任主编, 演员Dragan Maksimovic, 特伦斯·斯坦普, Mikica Dimitrijevic主演的《与奇人相遇 Meetings with Remarkable Men》是一部剧情, 传记类型电影。

  Based upon Gurdjieff's book, Meetings with Remarkable Men is the story of his search through the Middle East and Central Asia for answers to the question of the meaning of life. The film, directed by Peter Brook, was made on location in the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan, and has been widely acclaimed for its unique visual beauty. A stunning adaptation to the screen.

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