恐怖之旅 Terror Trips

恐怖之旅 Terror Trips

导演: Jeff Seemann
编剧: Jeff Seemann
类型: 恐怖片电影
上映日期: 2021-07-16(Mutant Film Festival)
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恐怖之旅 Terror Trips-电影剧情介绍

  《恐怖之旅 Terror Trips》于2021-07-16(Mutant Film Festival)上映。是由Jeff Seemann执导, 由Jeff Seemann担任主编, 演员汉娜·费尔曼, Ashton Rogers, 达米安·马菲主演的《恐怖之旅 Terror Trips》是一部恐怖类型电影。

  Six friends start a business, providing guided tours to the shooting locations of the world's most famous horror films, until they find the one spot where the horror is real.

恐怖之旅 Terror Trips-电影演员表

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恐怖之旅 Terror Trips-评论

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  • 爱吃水果的嘻嘻

    爱吃水果的嘻嘻 2021-07-20 11:15:51

    剧情节奏好慢 氛围营造还行

  • Cielo Blu

    Cielo Blu 2021-03-05 22:13:15

    "Pretend this's a scary movie. The harbinger of doom just gave you a warning. That woman is our version of Crazy Ralph, and she just told you you're all doomed."

  • 无信鸳

    无信鸳 2019-11-24 13:25:59


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