缪斯 The Muse

缪斯 The Muse

导演: Tim Walker
上映日期: 2014-06
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缪斯 The Muse-电影剧情介绍

  《缪斯 The Muse》于2014-06上映。是由Tim Walker执导, 演员本·卫肖, 克莉丝汀·麦玫娜蜜主演的《缪斯 The Muse》是一部爱情, 短片, 奇幻类型电影。

  Edward Dunstan is an artist obsessed by his muse. Every photograph and every movie conveyed the same meaning: What he wanted to see. His muse waited in vain for him to see her as she was, but he could not. And so, like the mermaid in his latest movie who grew legs and left him, so does his muse. For months his days and nights are filled with watching her on the screen. His ange...

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