好棒!我儿子是基! Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!!

好棒!我儿子是基! Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!!

类型: 喜剧片电影
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好棒!我儿子是基! Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!!-电影剧情介绍

  《好棒!我儿子是基! Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!!》是由Evgeny Afineevsky执导, 由叶甫根尼·阿芬尼夫斯基, Joseph Goldman担任主编, 演员Carmen Electra, Vincent Pastore, Lainie Kazan等主演的《好棒!我儿子是基! Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!!》是一部喜剧类型电影。

  Oy Vey My Son is Gay is a new romantic comedy featuring a Jewish family who struggles coming to terms with their sons non-Jewish and gay boyfriend, and the other families difficulty accepting their own son, both families hide it, but in the end when the couple adopts a child and it makes headline news, they come to defend the couple and realize how much they love them.
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