海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale

海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale

类型: 恐怖片电影
上映日期: 2006-01-27(美国), 2006-10-07(拉文纳梦魇电影节)
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海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale-电影剧情介绍

  《海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale》于2006-01-27(美国), 2006-10-07(拉文纳梦魇电影节)上映。是由约翰·麦克诺顿执导, 由米克·加里斯担任主编, 演员斯蒂夫·巴西奇, 杰拉德·普伦科特, 德里克·塞西尔主演的《海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale》是一部恐怖类型电影。

  In the nineteen century, a man seeks help from a necromancer, asking her to revive his beloved wife. The woman advises him that the process could be dangerous and proposes that he listen to Haeckel's story to help in him understand what he is asking. Ernst Haeckel is a cocky medical student fascinated with resuscitation. In his search for true reanimation he meets the necromanc...

海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale-电影演员表

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海克尔的传说 Haeckel's Tale-评论

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  • 帅能当饭吃

    帅能当饭吃 2020-12-05 18:15:28


  • 恐怖片爱好者

    恐怖片爱好者 2020-09-27 03:01:56


  • 烟消云散

    烟消云散 2020-06-27 16:04:58


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