钻石项链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace

钻石项链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace

上映日期: 1959-02-22
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钻石项链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace-电影剧情介绍

  《钻石项链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace》于1959-02-22上映。是由Herschel Daugherty执导, 由Sarett Rudley担任主编, 演员阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克主演的《钻石项链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace》是一部剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪类型电影。

  Jewelry firm casts out the last of a family who've been employees for 117 years - the company won't hire of the last of the line, because she's a woman. Faithful service goes unrewarded when her father is given a week to finish up, but he'll show how much he'll be missed via selling the firm's most expensive gem by his last day of 37 years service.

钻石项链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace-电影演员表

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