缝制爱 Sewing Love

缝制爱 Sewing Love

导演: 许愿
上映日期: 2023-06-05(Animafest Zagreb)
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缝制爱 Sewing Love-电影剧情介绍

  《缝制爱 Sewing Love》于2023-06-05(Animafest Zagreb)上映。是由许愿执导的《缝制爱 Sewing Love》是一部动画, 短片类型电影。

  The expression of emotional desire called love. Everyone is an individual whose spirit and soul cannot be bound. The emotion between people leads to good and bad results, happiness or misery. In the river of natural life, it is the stream injected halfway and the water vapor evaporated halfway. Two very strong individuals, whether they are right or not, whether they need to be ...

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