芳心之罪 Crimes of the Heart

芳心之罪 Crimes of the Heart

上映日期: 1986-12-12
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芳心之罪 Crimes of the Heart-电影剧情介绍

  《芳心之罪 Crimes of the Heart》于1986-12-12上映。是由布鲁斯·贝尔斯福德执导, 由贝丝·亨利担任主编, 演员黛安·基顿, 杰西卡·兰格, 茜茜·斯派塞克等主演的《芳心之罪 Crimes of the Heart》是一部剧情, 喜剧类型电影。

  Three sisters with quite different personalities and lives reunite when Babe, the youngest, has just shot her husband. Oldest sister Lenny takes care of their grandfather and is turning into an old maid. Meg, who aspires to make it in moxia.cc Hollywood as a singer and actress, has had a wild, man-filled life. Their reunion is joyful but also stirs up much tension.

芳心之罪 Crimes of the Heart-评论

全部(20) >
  • 咩男。

    咩男。 2021-07-05 13:10:43

    故事有种迷之浪漫 黛安基顿演得太过了。

  • Almasy

    Almasy 2020-12-07 14:38:44

    好好看啊 三姐妹都很本色了哈哈哈哈 最喜欢Sissy:))

  • flyingchips

    flyingchips 2020-09-22 11:22:02


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