魔鬼森林 The Devil Complex

魔鬼森林 The Devil Complex

导演: Mark Evans
上映日期: 2016-05-09
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魔鬼森林 The Devil Complex-电影剧情介绍

  《魔鬼森林 The Devil Complex》于2016-05-09上映。是由Mark Evans执导, 由Caroline Riley, Mark Evans担任主编, 演员Maria Simona Arsu, Patrick Sebastian Negrean, Marius Dan Munteanu主演的《魔鬼森林 The Devil Complex》是一部惊悚, 恐怖类型电影。

  In November 2012 Rachel Kusza and her team of film makers travelled to Transylvania to document the Baciu forest. A forest with a dark history of strange occurrences, ghost sightings and countless cases of missing people. The film crew were never heard from again. After searching for the film crew for two years Howard Redman, Rachels teacher, found the crews camera buried in th...

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