French Rarebit

French Rarebit

主演: Mel Blanc
上映日期: 1951-06-30
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French Rarebit-电影剧情介绍

  《French Rarebit》于1951-06-30上映。是由Robert McKimson执导, 由特德·皮尔斯担任主编, 演员Mel Blanc主演的《French Rarebit》是一部喜剧, 动画, 短片, 家庭类型电影。

  Bugs Bunny, in his eternal quest to reach a vacation spot via Albequerque, accidentally arrives in Paris' restaurant district. Two crazy chefs, Louis and Francois, spot Bugs and fight to be the first to use Bugs as a dinner ingredient. Bugs' plays off the hapless Frenchmen's greed by offering to teach them a recipe created by Antoine of New Orleans ("I don't mean Antoine of Fla...

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