历史频道 - 宇宙系列:大爆炸开始 The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang

历史频道 - 宇宙系列:大爆炸开始 The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang

导演: Luke Ellis
上映日期: 2007-09-04(美国)
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历史频道 - 宇宙系列:大爆炸开始 The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang-电影剧情介绍

  《历史频道 - 宇宙系列:大爆炸开始 The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang》于2007-09-04(美国)上映。是由Luke Ellis执导, 演员David Ackroyd主演的《历史频道 - 宇宙系列:大爆炸开始 The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang》是一部科幻, 纪录片, 历史类型电影。

  The universe began with a massive expansion, billions and billions of years ago, and it continues to expand with every passing second. The idea that the universe, and man's very existence, began with a "Big Bang" is no longer a topic of debate among most scientists--it is essentially taken as fact. How has man come to this conclusion, and how has our knowledge evolved so that w...

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