鬼迷心窍 Obsession

鬼迷心窍 Obsession

上映日期: 1949-08-03
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鬼迷心窍 Obsession-电影剧情介绍

  《鬼迷心窍 Obsession》于1949-08-03上映。是由爱德华·迪麦特雷克执导, 由亚历克·科佩尔担任主编, 演员罗伯特·牛顿, 菲尔·布朗主演的《鬼迷心窍 Obsession》是一部悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪, 黑色电影类型电影。

  London psychiatrist Clive Riordan, royally fed up with the repeated affairs of his wife Storm, plots a seemingly 'perfect' revenge against her latest lover, American Bill Kronin. Catching them in the act, he marches Bill off at gunpoint; and from the viewpoint of Storm and the rest of the world, Bill simply vanishes. But there's far more to the meticulously worked out plot than...

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