谈到怪物时绕路 Detours While Speaking of Monsters

谈到怪物时绕路 Detours While Speaking of Monsters

类型: 短片电影
上映日期: 2024-02-16(柏林电影节)
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谈到怪物时绕路 Detours While Speaking of Monsters-电影剧情介绍

  《谈到怪物时绕路 Detours While Speaking of Monsters》于2024-02-16(柏林电影节)上映。是由德尼兹·希姆塞克执导, 由德尼兹·希姆塞克担任主编, 演员Emin Şimşek主演的《谈到怪物时绕路 Detours While Speaking of Monsters》是一部短片类型电影。

  Here, where even monsters are political, the topography has its own memory. It has the mythological blues. Meanwhile, old gods are upset with us, and I am upset with my father.

谈到怪物时绕路 Detours While Speaking of Monsters-电影演员表

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