A Letter from Greenpoint

A Letter from Greenpoint

导演: Jonas Mekas
上映日期: 2005
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A Letter from Greenpoint-电影剧情介绍

  《A Letter from Greenpoint》于2005上映。是由Jonas Mekas执导, 由乔纳斯·梅卡斯担任主编的《A Letter from Greenpoint》是一部剧情, 传记类型电影。

  In the winter of 2003, Legendary Filmmaker Jonas Mekas, moved out of his loft on Broadway, New York, where he had lived for the past 30 years. It was the place where he watched his children grow, and the art scene of Soho become what it was today. It was where Andy Warhol and Allen Ginsberg used to come by for film events and dinner. This film shows Mekas' transition in to a ne...

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  • 若

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    夹脚拖 2020-08-18 10:32:29


  • 环岛内犬

    环岛内犬 2019-08-28 06:06:16


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