最后的爱情 If You Were The Last

最后的爱情 If You Were The Last

上映日期: 2023-03-11(西南偏南电影节), 2023-10-20(美国网络)
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最后的爱情 If You Were The Last-电影剧情介绍

  《最后的爱情 If You Were The Last》于2023-03-11(西南偏南电影节), 2023-10-20(美国网络)上映。是由克里斯蒂安·梅尔卡多执导, 由Angela Bourassa担任主编, 演员Angelica Agelviz, Robert M Castillo, 安东尼·麦凯等主演的《最后的爱情 If You Were The Last》是一部喜剧, 爱情, 科幻类型电影。

  Adam and Jane are three years into a NASA mission that has gone very wrong: Their ship is broken and drifting between Jupiter and Saturn. Finding ways to pass the time as they become certain that no one is coming to save them, they argue over what to do. One day, Adam poses that maybe they should sleep together; Jane laughs the idea off, but it prompts a flirty debate about whe...

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