意大利万岁 Viva l'Italia!

意大利万岁 Viva l'Italia!

上映日期: 1961-02-02
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意大利万岁 Viva l'Italia!-电影剧情介绍

  《意大利万岁 Viva l'Italia!》于1961-02-02上映。是由罗伯托·罗西里尼执导, 由罗伯托·罗西里尼担任主编, 演员伦佐·里奇, 保罗·斯托帕, 弗朗科·英特朗吉等主演的《意大利万岁 Viva l'Italia!》是一部剧情, 历史类型电影。

  The film shows how Italy's historic national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi (embodied by Renzo Ricci) leads a military campaign known as Expedition of the Thousand in 1860 and conquers Sicily and Naples. When the Bourbon monarchy has left Southern Italy, he supports Victor Emmanuel II of Italy who achieves a lasting unification under the aegis the House of Savoy.
  Roberto Rossellini st...

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