夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert

夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert

上映日期: 1994-09-21(法国)
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夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert-电影剧情介绍

  《夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert》于1994-09-21(法国)上映。是由伊夫·安杰洛执导, 由巴尔扎克, 让·科斯莫, Véronique Lagrange担任主编, 演员热拉尔·德帕迪约, 芬妮·阿尔丹, 法布莱斯·鲁奇尼主演的《夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert》是一部剧情, 爱情, 历史, 战争类型电影。

  Plot Summary for
  Colonel Chabert, Le (1994)
  Colonel Chabert (Gerard Depardieu) has been severely wounded in the French-Russian Napoleonic war to the point that the medical examiner has signed his death certificate. When he regains his health and memory, he goes back to Paris, where his "widow", Anne (Fanny Ardant) has married the Count Ferraud (Andre Dussol...

夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert-电影演员表

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夏蓓尔上校 Le colonel Chabert-评论

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  • 一颗大豆

    一颗大豆 2021-07-25 22:15:33


  • 浮云客

    浮云客 2021-05-29 08:43:01

    有Fabrice Luchini的片子我都喜欢

  • 766

    766 2020-12-20 14:57:24


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