理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility

理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility

上映日期: 1971-01-09
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理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility-电影剧情介绍

  《理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility》于1971-01-09上映。是由大卫·贾尔斯执导, 由简·奥斯汀担任主编, 演员迈克尔·奥德里奇, Sheila Ballantine, 乔安娜·大卫等主演的《理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility》是一部剧情, 爱情类型电影。

  Originally broadcast by the BBC on January 9, 1971, this adaptation of Jane Austen's beloved tale recounts the events that unfold when Elinor & Marianne Dashwood discover that they may soon be sharing their Norland home with their mother's stepson and his wife. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility-评论

全部(8) >

    CHENJINGLN 2020-07-02 04:21:12


  • Guruthosriel

    Guruthosriel 2020-03-28 21:20:11


  • 茄荚

    茄荚 2019-02-26 14:29:50

    这版玛丽安不但人丑,言行更是处处透露轻浮草率,丝毫没有人物应有的感情丰满、激情洋溢,而是故作赤诚的强装。2022.07.28 此玛丽安简直绝世疯批。2022.07.31 -------------------- 这版算是细腻但不算成功,整体头轻脚重,前段根本没有揭示两对情侣如何互生好感,莫名其妙就相爱了,后段又对露西跟爱德华的婚变着墨过多。2022.07.27-08.01

理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility 电影-相关推荐
