友谊之死 Friendship's Death

友谊之死 Friendship's Death

上映日期: 1987-08-17(英国)
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友谊之死 Friendship's Death-电影剧情介绍

  《友谊之死 Friendship's Death》于1987-08-17(英国)上映。是由彼得·沃伦执导, 由彼得·沃伦担任主编, 演员蒂尔达·斯文顿, 帕特里克·波查, 比尔·帕特森等主演的《友谊之死 Friendship's Death》是一部剧情, 科幻类型电影。

  In 1970s, aliens send a female android diplomat to Earth on a mission of peace. She lands in war-torn Palestine instead of MIT by mistake and meets a friendly UK journalist there. They begin a series of insightful conversations.

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