自寻死路 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Shopping for Death

自寻死路 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Shopping for Death

编剧: Ray Bradbury
上映日期: 1956-01-29
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自寻死路 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Shopping for Death-电影剧情介绍

  《自寻死路 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Shopping for Death》于1956-01-29上映。是由Robert Stevens执导, 由Ray Bradbury担任主编, 演员Jo Van Fleet, Robert H. Harris, John Qualen主演的《自寻死路 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Shopping for Death》是一部剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪类型电影。

  Two retired insurance salesmen have been visiting the scenes of accidents and crimes, feeling that they have a responsibility to learn why such things happen. One of them has found an aggressive, hostile woman whom he considers to be a prime candidate for a personal disaster. On a blisteringly hot day, the two follow her as she does some shopping, and watch as she antagonizes s...

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