壮丽突袭者 The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One

壮丽突袭者 The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One

导演: Tom Greene
类型: 科幻片电影
上映日期: 2022-12-17(美国)
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壮丽突袭者 The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One-电影剧情介绍

  《壮丽突袭者 The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One》于2022-12-17(美国)上映。是由Tom Greene执导, 由Dante D'Anthony担任主编, 演员Franquita Oliver, Tori Kay Harris, José Alvarez等主演的《壮丽突袭者 The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One》是一部科幻类型电影。

  4217. Appearances of Shape-shifting horrific beings from another Dimension are a closely guarded government secret. A Transhuman Overlord, David Omm 6X, brings a female super-spy, Lisa Sulla, out of a thousand years of virtual prison to go on a mission across the Galaxy. to spy on a psychic-archaeologist and his android companion, and a trio of smugglers on an old war frigate. ...

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