昆虫解剖:虫体工作原理 Insect Dissection: How Insects Work

昆虫解剖:虫体工作原理 Insect Dissection: How Insects Work

类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2013-03-20
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昆虫解剖:虫体工作原理 Insect Dissection: How Insects Work-电影剧情介绍

  《昆虫解剖:虫体工作原理 Insect Dissection: How Insects Work》于2013-03-20上映。由Jacqueline Smith担任主编, 演员James Logan, Brendan Dunphy主演的《昆虫解剖:虫体工作原理 Insect Dissection: How Insects Work》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Insects outnumber us by 200 million to one. They thrive in environments where humans wouldn't last minutes. We mostly perceive them as pests - yet without bugs, entire ecosystems would collapse, crops would disappear and waste would pile high.
  The secret of their success? Their incredible alien anatomy.
  To reveal this extraordinary hidden world, entomologists Dr James Logan and...

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