回魂复仇者 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 5: The List

回魂复仇者 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 5: The List

导演: Chris Carter
上映日期: 1995-10-20
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回魂复仇者 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 5: The List-电影剧情介绍

  《回魂复仇者 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 5: The List》于1995-10-20上映。是由Chris Carter执导的《回魂复仇者 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 5: The List》是一部剧情, 科幻, 悬疑, 惊悚类型电影。

  Napoleon "Neech" Manley, an inmate in East Point State Penitentiary, FL, has gotten the electric chair. Before dying, Neech prophesied his own return and the death of five who were responsible. Rumors of a hit list surface, and Mulder and Scully must find it before it's too late.

回魂复仇者 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 5: The List-电影演员表

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