死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution

死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution

导演: Jus Addiss
上映日期: 1957-12-29
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死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution-电影剧情介绍

  《死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution》于1957-12-29上映。是由Jus Addiss执导, 由伯纳德·C·舍恩菲尔德, Henry Slesar担任主编, 演员阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克, 帕特·亨格尔, 耶奥甘·约翰逊主演的《死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution》是一部剧情, 悬疑, 犯罪类型电影。

  D.A. Warren Selvey learns that he's on bad political ground because of his low conviction rate. He decides to vigorously prosecute a man named Rodman. He wins the murder case and Rodman is sentenced to die. After the sentence, however, Selvey meets a man named Barnes who claims to have committed the crimes. Selvey is now being considered a candidate for Congress. Fearing the re...

死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution-电影演员表

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    家乡的酒 2020-10-06 12:28:25


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死刑之夜 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Night of the Execution 电影-相关推荐
