编辑部的故事 Редакція

编辑部的故事 Редакція

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 2024-02-15(柏林电影节)
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编辑部的故事 Редакція-电影剧情介绍

  《编辑部的故事 Редакція》于2024-02-15(柏林电影节)上映。是由罗曼·邦达尔丘克执导, 由Alla Tyutyunnyk, Dar'ya Averchenko, 罗曼·邦达尔丘克担任主编, 演员Anastasia Kapshuchenko, Artem Karataiev, Joel Kenneth Rakos等主演的《编辑部的故事 Редакція》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns to him that the reality around him is a far cry from what is written in the newspaper.

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