爷们终结者 Lady Terminator

爷们终结者 Lady Terminator

上映日期: 1989-06-10
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爷们终结者 Lady Terminator-电影剧情介绍

  《爷们终结者 Lady Terminator》于1989-06-10上映。是由H. Tjut Djalil.执导, 由Karr Kruinowz担任主编, 演员Barbara Anne Constable, Christopher J. Hart, Claudia Angelique Rademaker主演的《爷们终结者 Lady Terminator》是一部动作, 恐怖类型电影。

  Meet the Queen of the South Seas. A sexually voracious goddess, she lures young men to her castle and, if they fail to satisfy her demands, kills them faster than you can say 'vagina dentata', leaving her handmaidens to dispose of the castrated remains…
  One night the Queen meets her match. Her priapic suitor snatches the snake that is the source of her power from between her th...

爷们终结者 Lady Terminator-电影演员表

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爷们终结者 Lady Terminator-评论

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  • 冷风

    冷风 2024-01-18 04:22:12


  • 送葬人

    送葬人 2024-01-10 03:43:26

    rest in the peace

  • HurryShit

    HurryShit 2023-08-06 07:30:45

    (女性復仇+山寨科幻+在地傳說)X 三倍噁爛。未來天眼不夠看,印尼有南海女王~前面的色情片傾向還比較歡樂,山寨版《魔鬼終結者》飛車加槍戰很鳥,明明死光眼超強,幹嘛不早點用⋯導演Tjut Djalil掛名「Jalil Jackson」。

爷们终结者 Lady Terminator 电影-相关推荐
