异性吸引力 See You in the Morning

异性吸引力 See You in the Morning

上映日期: 1989-04-14
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异性吸引力 See You in the Morning-电影剧情介绍

  《异性吸引力 See You in the Morning》于1989-04-14上映。是由艾伦·J·帕库拉执导, 由艾伦·J·帕库拉担任主编, 演员杰夫·布里吉斯, 艾丽丝·克里奇, 费拉·福赛特等主演的《异性吸引力 See You in the Morning》是一部剧情, 爱情类型电影。

  Three years after his divorce from his model-wife is the psychologist Larry Livingstone ready for a new commitment. He falls in love with the young widow Beth who has two children. But Beth and the children are still in mourning over their dead husband and father and Larry finds it a bit difficult to penetrate their reservations. Larry himself has to deal with his ex-wife and h...

异性吸引力 See You in the Morning-评论

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  • 豆瓣酱

    豆瓣酱 2023-11-27 13:01:29


  • 啊嚏

    啊嚏 2023-11-03 06:56:52


  • chimaybe

    chimaybe 2023-03-05 03:54:03


异性吸引力 See You in the Morning 电影-相关推荐
