恶魔 Il Diavolo

恶魔 Il Diavolo

类型: 喜剧片电影
上映日期: 1963-11-26
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恶魔 Il Diavolo-电影剧情介绍

  《恶魔 Il Diavolo》于1963-11-26上映。是由吉安·卢基·兰迪执导, 由鲁道夫·索内戈担任主编, 演员阿尔贝托·索尔迪, Ulla Andersson, Inger Auer主演的《恶魔 Il Diavolo》是一部喜剧类型电影。

  An Italian merchant and his experiences during a visit to Sweden.
  Alberto Sordi pulls off another great comic role as Amadeo Ferretti, an Italian businessman who is traveling through Sweden in this entertaining comedy by Gian Luigi Polidoro. Amadeo is the quintessential Latin man who is quite taken with the blond beauties he sees on the streets around him. His attitudes and ass...

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      An Italian merchant and his experiences during a visit to Sweden.
      Alberto Sordi pulls off another great comic role as Amadeo Ferretti, an Italian businessman who is traveling through Sweden in this entertaining comedy by Gian Luigi Polidoro. Amadeo is the quintessential Latin man who is quite taken with the blond beauties he sees on the streets around him. His attitudes and ass...

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