香橙鸭 Le Canard à l'orange

香橙鸭 Le Canard à l'orange

类型: 短片电影
上映日期: 2003-08-11
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香橙鸭 Le Canard à l'orange-电影剧情介绍

  《香橙鸭 Le Canard à l'orange》于2003-08-11上映。是由帕特里克·博卡诺夫斯基执导的《香橙鸭 Le Canard à l'orange》是一部短片类型电影。

  A housewife is preparing a duck à l'orange in her kitchen. But the reluctant bird tries to escape from her but the woman manages to recaptures it and plucks it savagely. Once the duck is put in the oven, an alligator unexpectedly appears in the kitchen, threatening the cook. She tries to escape from it first, then pursues it and finally sits down at the table with it. Meanwhile...

香橙鸭 Le Canard à l'orange-电影演员表

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    摸鱼侠Loctopus 2023-01-11 12:38:55


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    max 2022-11-05 23:46:13


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